Flag Modern Physics> special relativity in water...
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sir the speed of light is constant for all observer according to special relativity.if an object is moving in water then for mass expansion what will we take the speed of light?

nehal helal , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear student,

In 1905, however, when Einstein first introduced it, it was a strange and even shocking theory . Then Einstein did not have the luxury of a simple text book on special relativity from which he could learn the theory. Somehow he had to see that such a theory was needed. And then he had to devise the theory and know it was not crazy speculation. How did he do it? That is the present topic--the history of Einstein's discovery of special relativity. We shall see that Einstein had no crystal ball. He worked with resources and methods available to everyone. That is the fascination of the episode. We shall see how he took the same pieces everyone had and assembled a masterpiece where everyone else faltered.


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