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what is a qauntum?

DHRUVIN PATEL , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
pawan deep

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Quantum means a very small speck of something, in this case, an elemental unit of energy. It turns out that quanta (several small specks of energy) exist in the background of all atoms and show themselves even at the coldest of temperatures, zero degrees Kelvin (or absolute zero) the lowest of all possible energy states.

pawan deep

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Quantum means a very small speck of something, in this case, an elemental unit of energy. It turns out that quanta (several small specks of energy) exist in the background of all atoms and show themselves even at the coldest of temperatures, zero degrees Kelvin (or absolute zero) the lowest of all possible energy states.

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