Deepak Patra
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Dear Mahima,
Following are the diffreences:
1. In this band there are valence electrons.
2. This band may be partially or completely filled with electrons.
3. In this band the electrons are not capable of gaining energy from external electric field.
4. The electrons in this band do not contribute to electric current.
5. In this band there are electrons of outermost orbit of atom which contribute in band formation.
1. In this band the electrons are rarely found.
2. This band is either empty or partially filled with electrons.
3. In this band the electrons can gain energy from electric field.
4. Electrons in this band contribute in this band contribute to electric current.
5. In this band there are electrons which are obtained on breaking the covalent bands. provides online iit jee courses and IIT JEE Test Series with IITians. Click here to get free online test series and check your status timely or you can join us as our registered user for getting best iit jee study material or iit jee test series.
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