Flag Mechanics> You are driving along a highway at 50 mi/...
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You are driving along a highway at 50 mi/h followed by another car moving at the same speed. You slow to 40 mi/h but the other driver does not and their is a collision.what are the initial velocities of the colliding cars as seen from the reference frame of (a) yourself (b) the other driver and (c) a state trooper who is in a patrol car parked by the roadside? (d) a judge asks whether you bumped into the other driver or the other driver bumped into you. As a physicist, how you would answer?

muntaha wahab , 5 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Piyush Kumar Behera

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

  1. As seen by the frame of refrence of yourself, the other vehicle as well your car was initially at rest but when the speed decreases to 40 miles/ hour the relative velocity of your car remain to be at rest whereas the other car now appears to approach you with a velocity of 10 miles/hour.
  2. As seen by the frame of refrence of other driver, the other vehicle as well your car was initially at rest but when the speed decreases to 40 miles/ hour the relative velocity  of the other car w.r.t. the other driver of other remains to be at rest whereas the your car now appears to approach his car with a velocity of 10 miles/hour backwards.
  3. As seen by the trooper in the patrol car both will be moving initially at 50 miles/ hour wheresa later on it would appear that you slowed down to 40miles/hour but the other car continued to move at the same speed.
  4.  As a physicist you would answer: “It is based on the frame of reference, with respect to the frame of reference to your car the other car bumped to you but w.r.t to his car your car bumped to his. So it all depends on the frame of refrence of yours.”

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