With respect to a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system, three vectors are expressed as ‘a’ vector=4icap-jcap , ‘b’ vector=-3icap + 2jcap and c vector = -kcap where icap,jcap and kcap are unit vectors along X,Y and Z axes respectivelu. The unit vector r along the direction of the sum of these three vectors is rcap = (icap+jcap-kcap) (1/√3) ---answer rcap = (icap+jcap-kcap) (1/√2) rcap = (icap-jcap+kcap) (1/√3) rcap = (icap+jcap+kcap) (1/√3) rcap = (icap-jcap+kcap) (1/√2)How do you get this answer? Thanks!
Grace Mathew , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
Manas Shukla
Last Activity: 8 Years ago
First thing to note in this question is unit vector which is defined as
unit vector =
so here resultant = vector a + vector b + vector c