
Why is it that the presence of the atmosphere reduces the maximum range of some objects (for example, tennis balls) but increases the maximum range of others (for example, Frisbees and golf balls)?

Why is it that the presence of the atmosphere reduces the maximum range of some objects (for example, tennis balls) but increases the maximum range of others (for example, Frisbees and golf balls)?


1 Answers

Kevin Nash
askIITians Faculty 332 Points
8 years ago
Tennis ball has fur on its surface. During its flight, the presence of fur on its surface greatly reduced the spinning of the tennis ball. Thus, it is provided with less lift force. This reduces the maximum range of the tennis ball.
Frisbees and golf balls while travelling in air spins about an axis. They carry them circulation of air around it. In it, the velocities of the air above them add together and increases. While the velocities of the air below them subtract and decreases. According to Bernoulli’s equation, the pressure of the air above them is lower than below. This provides a dynamic lift force greater than that produced by tennis ball. So, frisbees and golf balls will have much higher maximum range than the tennis ball.

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