
which of the following represents simple harmonic motion, where `x` is displacement of the body and a, b, c are positive constants? 1. a+bx-cx2 (x-square) 2. bx 3. -bx 4. a+bx+cx2

which of the following represents simple harmonic motion, where `x` is displacement of the body and a, b, c are positive constants?
1. a+bx-cx2 (x-square)
2. bx
3. -bx
4. a+bx+cx2


1 Answers

Arun Kumar IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 256 Points
10 years ago
first of all the quanties are diamensionless
so a little more information is needed

we say a motion is simple harmonic when force is proportional to -x

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