
When Paris was shelled from 100 km away with the WWI long-range artillery piece “Big Bertha,” the shells were fired at an angle greater than 45º to give them a greater range, possibly even twice as long as at 45º. Does that result mean that the air density at high altitudes increases with altitude or decreases?

When Paris was shelled from 100 km away with the WWI
long-range artillery piece “Big Bertha,” the shells were fired at an
angle greater than 45º to give them a greater range, possibly even twice as long as at 45º. Does that result mean that the air density at
high altitudes increases with altitude or decreases?


1 Answers

Abhishek Kumar
askIITians Faculty 255 Points
9 years ago
No, that is because the resistive force of air comes into factor in real situations. So, a higher angle gives the best range.

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