Flag Mechanics> when a car takes a turn, the passengers e...
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when a car takes a turn, the passengers experiences a force acting on them away from center of curve.Explain

Mehwish , 5 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

inertia because according to 1st law of motion a body will continue it state of motion untill applied by an external force.Now we can see that the pasenger are sitting and traveling in straight path but as the car takes the turn according to 1st law/inertia they will continue there motion is straight path and thats why they are directed away from the centre of curve instead of going towards it... Remember some people write its answer centripetal force but its not the answer because centripetal is the force which is direct towards the centre and compels a body to move in circle but here we can see clearly the body is not moving in circle but moving away hence its no centripetal force.. SO the answer is because of their inertia

Vikas TU

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Dear student 
when a bus takes turn the centripetal force acts on the bus. and for the reaction force that is centrifugal force acts on the passangers and they are thrown outwards
Hope this helps 
Good Luck 

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