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What are conservative and non conservative forces ?

Mayank Ranka , 4 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 3 Answers
Rituraj Tiwari

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Conservative Forces :Conservative forces are those for which work done depends only on initial and final points.
For example, Gravitational Force, Electrostatic Force
Non-Conservative Forces :
Non-Conservative forces are those where the work done or the kinetic energy did depend on other factors such as the velocity or the particular path taken by the object.
For example, Frictional Force

Vikas TU

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear stdudent 
A conservative force is a force that does zero work done in a closed path.Examples of conservative force: Gravitational force, spring force etc. On the other hand, non-conservative forces are those forces which cause loss of mechanical energy from the system. In the above case friction is the non-conservative force.

Vikas Amritiya

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Conservative Forces :

Conservative forces are those for which work done depends only on initial and final points.
For example, Gravitational Force, Electrostatic Force
Non-Conservative Forces :
Non-Conservative forces are those where the work done or the kinetic energy did depend on other factors such as the velocity or the particular path taken by the object.
For example, Frictional Force

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