
whaether the bernoullis equation can be applied in non inertial frame if yes then my questio is que:: if a cube length is increased to a certain height and water is filled upto 60-70% and the side in which water is filled below that a whole i created and from the empty side, the cube is holded and start rotating.than find the velocity of the fluid at the point were hole created?

whaether the bernoullis equation can be applied in non inertial frame if yes then my questio is que:: if a cube length is increased to a certain height and water is filled upto 60-70% and the side in which water is filled below that a whole i created and from the empty side, the cube is holded and start rotating.than find the velocity of the fluid at the point were hole created?

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1 Answers

Sandeep Pathak
askIITians Faculty 25 Points
10 years ago
Bernoulli’s equation is a statement of conservation of energy for inviscid flow (i.e. flow with zero viscosity). If the viscosity of the fluid is zero then the rotation of cube will have no impact on it as there will be no friction between walls of cube and fluid. So Bernouilli’s equation can be applied as if the cube was not rotating.

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