Flag Mechanics> Vanderwaals equation is given by [P+a/V 2...
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Vanderwaals equation is given by [P+a/V2](v-b)=RTWhere P is pressure exerted by a gas.T is absolute temperature,V is volume of a gas and a and b are constants.Find dimensions and units of a and b

Ayide Zubeda Banya , 5 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Vander Waal's Universal equation for a non ideal gas :
 ( P + a/v² ) * (V - b) = n R T
with the symbols having the given meanings.
P = pressure. V = volume. R = Universal Gas constant. T = absolute temperature. n = number of moles of the gas.
Since P has dimensions of Force/Area, a/V² also will have the same units and dimensions.
P = [ M ] [ L⁻¹ ] [ T⁻² ] = a / V² = a [ L³ ]⁻²
So constant a = [ M ] [ L⁵ ] [ T⁻² ]
Since b has same units and dimensions as that of V,
  b = [ L³ ]
Hope it helps

Vikas TU

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

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