Flag Mechanics> two trains A and B move on a parallel tra...
question mark

two trains A and B move on a parallel track with speeds 15m/s and 10m/s in the same direction . then determine the time of overtaking / crossing .

swaati , 5 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers
Aditya Gupta

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

hello swaati. note that the ques you have posted is incomplete as you have not provided the initial distance between the two trains. kindly repost the ques along with an image attached and i would be happy to assist you further :=)

Vikas TU

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Dear student 
In case of two speeds , The relative concept must be used, 
Here the relative speed between the two = 15-10 = 5 m/sec 
You can find overtaking by,  Distance travelled /Speed 
Hope this helps 

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