Two forces of magnitude F1 and F2 are acting on an object.The magnitude of the net force Fnet on the object will be in the(A) F1 ≤ F net ≥ F2. (B) (F1 – F2)/2 ≤ Fnet ≤ (F1 + F2)/2.(C) |F1-F2| ≤ Fnet ≤ |F1 + F2|.
Simran Bhatia , 9 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
Aditi Chauhan
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Assume that the force F1 on an object makes an angle with F2 on object, such that the component of force F1 along F2 is F1cos and component of force perpendicular to F2 is F1 sin. The sum of the forces along the direction of force F2 is F2+F1 cos , and the sum of the forces along the direction perpendicular to F2 is F1sin . Therefore the magnitude of net force acting on the object is: The magnitude of minimum force is:
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