Flag Mechanics> Two blocks of mass M and 2M are sitting o...
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Two blocks of mass M and 2M are sitting on a table. The coefficient of friction between each of the blocks' surfaces and the table is μ. A compressed spring is placed between the two masses as shown and then released. How will the distances that the two blocks are displaced before coming to rest due to friction be related?They will travel the same distance.The block with mass M will travel two times as far as the block with mass 2M.The block with mass M will travel four times as far as the block with mass 2M.The block with mass 2M will travel two times as far as the block with mass M.The block with mass 2M will travel four times as far as the block with mass M.

Mason Hu , 6 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

As there r no external forces in horizontal direction checked the com will not move that all and thus Mass m will move twice the displacement of 2M that too in opposite direction

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