Flag Mechanics> Three rolling objects are moving at the s...
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Three rolling objects are moving at the same speed on a level horizontal surface. The objects are a solid cylinder, a solid sphere, and a hollow sphere. All have the same mass and radius. The three objects then roll up an incline. Assuming each rolls without slipping, which will(a) roll to the highest vertical point above the level surface?(A) The solid cylinder (B)The solid sphere(C) The hollow sphere (D) They will all roll to the same height(b) roll the farthest distance as measured along the incline?(A) The solid cylinder(B) The solid sphere(C) The hollow sphere (D) They will all roll the same distance.

Radhika Batra , 9 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Kevin Nash

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

(a) The correct option is (C) the hollow sphere.
The rotational inertia of a hollow sphere is less than the solid cylinder and solid sphere. So the number of revolution will be greater in the case of hollow sphere than the others. As all have the same mass and radius, the hollow sphere will roll to the highest vertical point above the level surface. From the above observation we conclude that, option (C) is correct.
(b) The correct option is (C) the hollow sphere.
As the number of revolution will be greater in the case of hollow sphere than the others, therefore the hollow sphere will roll the farthest distance as measured along the incline. From the above observation we conclude that, option (C) is correct.

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