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This questionwas asked 6 years ago in this forum,Here i am unable to understand the 3rd line of solution ........Though we have differentiated the eqution still dx/dt are there....Please explain the COMPLETE procedure deeply....... I WANT the answer from an EXPERT ....HUMBLE REQUEST.....PLEASE....I have also attached an image.. The question is... The relation between time t and distance x is t=ax^2 + bx , whereba and are constants. Then what is the acceleration??

Utkarsh Joshi , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Saurabh Kumar

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Dear student, we are very thankful for the patienc e you have..
In this question, we would like to calculate instant accelerating by differentiating function ‘t’ w.r.t. x.
1. Differentiate t w.r.t. x and get dt/dx.....its reciprocal, dx/dt = 1/(2ax + b).
Now, differentiate dx/dt w.r.t. t and you will get RHS with a function dx/dt....Now you put the value of dx/dt calculated earlier...and you will get your answer.

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