the radius of gyration of a solid sphere of radius r about a certain axis is r. the distance of this axis from the centre of the sphere is √0.6r explain???
Nitin Kumar , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
Unknown aspirant
Last Activity: 6 Years ago
Using parallel axis theorem ,
I =Icm(about the centre of mass) + M(mass of the sphere)h2. where h is the required distance of the axis from centre of sphere
MK2 = 2/5 MR2. + Mh2
K2= 2R2/5 + h2
R2 = 2R2/5. + h2. (given that. K=R. )
3R2/5 = h2
Which gives h=√3/5R2
h=√0.6. R. (Answer)
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