Flag Mechanics> The coin is dropped by a man standing in ...
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The coin is dropped by a man standing in the lift, 1)When the lift is at rest, then it hit the floor in T1sec 2)When the lift is moving upward with acceleration =a,then it hit the floor in T2sec 3)When the lift is moving downward with acceleration =a,then it hit the floor in T3sec, then find out the relation between T1,T2 and T3.

Vaishnavi , 6 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

  1. When the lift is at rest.
h = 0 + 0.5gt1^2
  1. When the lift is accelearted by a upwards,
h = 0 + 0.5(g+a)t2^2
  1. When the lift is accelerated downwards,
h = 0 + 0.5(g – a)t3^2
From all the 3 equations if we relate we get,
(g-a)t3^2 = (g+a)t2^2
(t2/t3)^2 = (g-a)/(g+a)
t2/t3 = root(g-a/g+a)
For t1,
 0.5(g+a)t2^2 = 0.5g(t1^2)
t1/t2 = root((g+a)/g)
Hence these would all be the relations.

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