Flag Mechanics> Sir what if angular acceleration of frame...
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Sir what if angular acceleration of frame is zero ? Will the centrifugal force is zero

Devi , 6 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Kapil Khare

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Angular acceleration is the change of angular velocity with time. So if angular acceleration is not zero, there will be change in angular velocity and magnitude of the tangential component of velocity(notice : velocity does not have radial component so we can write tangential component of velocity equals velocity) changes. But if angular acceleration is zero, there will be no change in magnitude of tangential component of velocity.
Centrifugal force is the radial force experienced in the frame of the object(which is rotating). This equals to mv2/r and it has no connection with angular acceleration.
So, angular acceleration is zero when the magnitude of tangential component of velocity remain constant. And if the body is rotating in the circle with some velocity, centrifugal force will not be zero. 

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