Flag Mechanics> shell is fired from the ground at an angl...
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shell is fired from the ground at an angle theta with the horizontal with a velocity vits highest point it break into two equal fragments if one fragment come back through it initial line of the motion with the same speed then the speed of the second figment will be?

S , 5 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Let ‘2m’ be the mass of the cannon which is projected with velocity ‘v’ at an angle ‘θ’ with the horizontal. The horizontal component of the velocity of the cannon is, vx = v cosθ. This component remains constant.
At the maximum height, the cannon has only this component as the vertical component is momentarily zero.
So, momentum before exploding = 2mv cosθ
After exploding, one of the masses retraces the path of the cannon backwards. This is possible on if the part has velocity ‘-v cosθ’.
Therefore, momentum after explosion = -mv cosθ + mu
So, by conservation of momentum,
2mv cosθ = -mv cosθ + mu
= > u = (3v cosθ) m/s
Hope it helps

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