
Rock faults are ruptures along which opposite faces of rock have moved past each other, parallel to the fracture surface. Earthquakes often accompany this ovement. In Fig., points A and B coincided before faulting. The component of the net displacement AB parallel to the horizontal surface fault line is called the strike-slip (AC). The component of the net displacement along the steepest line of the fault plane is the dip-slip (AD). (a) What is the net shift if the strike-slip is 22 m and the dip-slip is 17 m? (b) If the fault plane is inclined 52° to the horizontal, what is the net vertical displacement of B as a result of the faulting in (a)?

Rock faults   are  ruptures   along  which  opposite  faces  of rock have moved past each other, parallel  to the fracture  surface. Earthquakes    often  accompany   this  ovement.   In  Fig., points  A  and  B  coincided   before  faulting.  The  component   of the  net  displacement    AB   parallel   to  the  horizontal    surface fault  line  is called  the strike-slip   (AC).  The  component   of the net  displacement    along  the  steepest  line  of the  fault  plane  is the dip-slip  (AD).  (a) What  is the net  shift if the strike-slip  is 22 m and the dip-slip  is 17 m? (b) If the fault plane  is inclined 52°  to the horizontal,   what  is the net vertical  displacement   of B as a result  of the faulting  in (a)?


1 Answers

Aditi Chauhan
askIITians Faculty 396 Points
9 years ago
Therefore the net shift is 28 m . 236-527_1.PNG

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