Flag Mechanics> Let homogeneous plates of length L be pla...
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Let homogeneous plates of length L be placed as shown in figure on the block. Each plate is kept at a distance of L/x from the end of the plate below it. How many plates can one place until arrangement of plates will fall?5.fig.

dhananjay shimpi , 10 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Saurabh Kumar

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

We know, centre of mass of the rod of length be ‘L’ would be at L/2,
Placing each rod on preceeding one would shift cenrre of mass by L/2+ X,
If right end of the rod shift by, more than L/2, the whole system would fall, so we can count the no. of rods that can be placed safely..
good Luck........................................................................

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