Flag Mechanics> In a (two block mass and a spring) system...
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In a (two block mass and a spring) system why does the spring have maximum elongation when the blocks have same velocity as the velocity of centre of mass ???

Jashadeep Dey , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Beacuse having the same velocity for both the blocks would assign the the power to both equally in oppsite direcn.
that means none of the blocks could expand or contract individually as their velocites are same.
And suppose let assume that theor velocities are different then the block having greater velocity the system would try to elongate in the direcn. of the masss having greater velocity and it would go on.. like non -stop elongation.
Hence to reach the maximum elongation it is necessary to have the masses the same velcity.

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