Flag Mechanics> if i fire a bullet in space it will move ...
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if i fire a bullet in space it will move forever (assuming it won't hit any celestial object and doesn't get caught by any aliens). But will it accelerate forever and reach 0.99c or will it accelerate till it attain a certain constant velocity?

Ayush Gupta , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 2 Answers
Paras Verma

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

I think it won’t acclerate. It will move at velocity at which it was fired because for accln u need constant force but after firing bullet will experience no (net) force hence no accln .But if somehow you are able to decrease mass of bullet to 0 then f=ma 
therefore a=0/0 so in theory you will have your bullet go way faster than light and (but it just should be massless)

Manas Shukla

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Nothing which has measurable mass goes faster than light . Even gases observed orbiting the blackhole rarely reach .90c .
Now to the question there is no force acting on the bullet after it is fired so nope , the bullet will continue to travel at speed at which it was fired.

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