I have problem to study physics. I cant remember physics notes. I just want to ask how to study..?
Komal singh , 7 Years ago
Grade 11
3 Answers
Last Activity: 7 Years ago
Physics is not by learning,it has its own meaning.now i give you some ideas:First of all you have to read the topics and when next day teacher teach you that topic then you must took great interest and then the topic got rememberable easily.
Harshit sharma
Last Activity: 7 Years ago
Physics is nature. So first remember to view physics as a nature. Physics will become more easy if you relate your topics with the natural things.Try to read your notes thoroughly and than try to go to questions related to the particular topics you have read thoroughly. That would definitely be great usage of your mind as well as you would be able to realise your weak areas. And success will definitely come to your life. Thank you and keep going.
Last Activity: 7 Years ago
Physics is not like chemistry and maths it has its own world which is known as physical world. For learning it self study is must and regular study for 1 to 2 hours per day. Read one topic and try to understand it that what the topic says.At last i want to say that physics is not a tough and boring subject also it is not scoring like chemistry .
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