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how to draw a graph corresponding acceleration versus time graph?

Aagam Shah , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

(C) should be the appropriate one.
a = dv/dt = slope (And here we would also consider the amgnitude)
First divide the v-t grapgh into 4 – intervals.
First Interval –> the slope is -ve and magnitude is positive => multiplication would give -ve answer.
Hence the graph would start from negative side.
Second interval => slope is negaive plus magnitude is also negative would make positive accln.
Third interval → slope is positive plus magnitude is negative hence negative accln.
Fourth interval → slope and magnitude both are positve and hence would give the multiplication as positive.
Hneece 3rd option is correct. 

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