Flag Mechanics> HCV! In an imaginary atmosphere the air e...
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HCV! In an imaginary atmosphere the air exerts a force F on any particle in the direction of the particle’s motion. A particle of mass m projected upward takesa time t1 in reaching maximum height and t2 in the return to the original point. Then t1 t1>t2. t1=t2. relation between t1 and t2 depends on the mass of the particle

RON , 10 Years ago
anser 3 Answers
shashi K Sharma

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Dear Student
While going up the net downward acceleration is (g-a) thus decreasing the geffective  and hence increasing the time of upward motion while coming down the force and g both act downward thus increasing the geffective (say g+a) thus decreasing the time of downward journey than usual.
Hence t1 > t2

Himank Jain

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

mrs shashi k sharma,i am a student of +2 and have the same doubt but contrary to your answer, there is no mention of a gravitational force in the question there is only an imaginary atmosphere. 


Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Yes there is an imaginary atomsphere present.but it is also given that air exert a small force on any particle in the direction of particle's motion.we know that a particle or any object can move in only one particular direction at any instant on time.now towards the question.when a particle moves from an initial position,it is acted upon by a force due to air,now when the same particle returns to that same position,it means a force is definitely acting in the direction to make the particle reach at its initial point,from where it was started...hope doubt is clear now.

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