Flag Mechanics> Give a plausible explanation for the brea...
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Give a plausible explanation for the breaking of wooden boards or bricks by a karate punch. (See Karate Strikes, by Jearl D. Walker, American Journal of Physics, October 1975, p. 845.)

Radhika Batra , 9 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Kevin Nash

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

In the process, breaking of wooden boards or bricks by a karate punch, the collision between the hand and brick is only for a few milliseconds. Because the applied external force is large and the time of collision is small therefore the average impulsive force is relatively large. Thus when you break a wooden board or bricks by a karate punch you have to apply large force for the minimum time which is impulse. Therefore the impact force on the brick or wooden boards will be high.

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