
Figure shows the relation between the age of the oldest sediment, in millions of years, and the distance, in kilometers, at which the sediment was found from a particular ocean ridge. Seafloor material is extruded from this ridge and moves away from it at approximately uniform speed. Find the speed, in centimeters per year, at which this material recedes from the ridge,

Figure  shows the relation between the age of the oldest sediment, in millions of years, and the distance, in kilometers, at which the sediment was found from a particular ocean ridge. Seafloor material is extruded from this ridge and moves away from it at approximately uniform speed. Find the speed, in centimeters per year, at which this material recedes from the ridge,


1 Answers

Aditi Chauhan
askIITians Faculty 396 Points
9 years ago
Substitute 1600 km for “distance” and 80x106 y for “time” in equationspeed = \frac{distance}{time} ,

Therefore, the speed at which materials recedes from the ridge is 2 cm / y.

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