
Figure shows a simple device for measuring your reaction time. It consists of a strip of cardboard marked with a scale and two large dots. A friend holds he strip vertically with his thumb and forefinger at the upper dot and you position your thumb and forefinger at the lower dot, being careful not to touch the strip. Your friend releases the strip, and you try to pinch it as soon as possible after you see it begin to fall. The mark at the place where you pinch the strip gives your re- action time. How far from the lower dot should you place the 50,100-,150-,200-,and 250-ms marks?

Figure  shows  a simple  device  for  measuring   your  reaction  time.  It  consists   of  a strip  of  cardboard   marked  with  a scale  and  two  large  dots.  A friend  holds  he  strip  vertically with  his  thumb  and forefinger   at the upper  dot and you position your  thumb  and forefinger  at the lower  dot, being  careful not  to  touch  the  strip. Your friend  releases   the  strip,  and  you try to pinch  it as soon as possible  after you see it begin  to fall. The mark  at the place  where  you pinch  the strip gives your re- action  time.  How  far from  the lower  dot  should  you place  the
 50,100-,150-,200-,and 250-ms marks?


1 Answers

Jitender Pal
askIITians Faculty 365 Points
9 years ago

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