
Can two vectors having different magnitudes be combined to give a zero resultant? Can three vectors?

Can two vectors having different magnitudes be combined to give a zero resultant? Can three vectors?

Grade:upto college level

3 Answers

Deepak Patra
askIITians Faculty 471 Points
9 years ago
No, two vectors with different magnitude can never give a zero resultant. This is because the effect of vectors cancels out only when they act in the opposite direction and have the same magnitude.
Yes, three vectors with different magnitude can give a zero resultant. As an example consider vectors \tiny \overrightarrow{a} = 2\widehat{i} ,\widehat{b} , = 3\widehat{i}, and\tiny \overrightarrow{c} = -5\widehat{i} , such that the resultant vector\large \overrightarrow{a} + \overrightarrow{b} + \overrightarrow{c} is . \tiny 2\widehat{i} + 3\widehat{i} - 5\widehat{i} = 0\widehat{i}.
Therefore the three vectors with different magnitude can give zero resultant.
21 Points
7 years ago
it is not possible to get zero resultant by combinig two vector having different is only possible if we combine two vectors of same magnitude in opposite direction.
15 Points
6 years ago
it is only posible when two vector having same magnitude and opposite direction.
yes three vectos can be zero by such conditions.

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