at certain moment an elevator is moving up with velocity 4 m/s and consyant acceleration 2 a small bolt in the ceiling becomes loose and starts falling . for an elevator observer initial velocity of the bolt is negligible . the distance b/w the ceiling and floor of the elevator is 1.5 m .(a)what is the distance travelled by bolt in reference frame of earth from the moment it starts and till it hits the floor of elevator
Yash parihar , 7 Years ago
Grade 11
2 Answers
Vikas TU
Last Activity: 7 Years ago
Dear Yash, The question is here incomplete .i.e. it has insufficient data. Pls do check the qstn. and Repost it again for the proper clarification. Thankyou!
Yash parihar
Last Activity: 7 Years ago
But sir it was a question in vibrant class 11th top batch practice sheet .Sir i am sorry but i can`t approve ur comment as it is only the content of the question
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