Flag Mechanics> An interstellar transport ship is designe...
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An interstellar transport ship is designed as a cylinder with diameter 5 km. It rotates along its central axis at such a rate that people standing on its inner surface experience a fictitious force equal to Earth’s gravity (9.8 m/s2). a) At what angular speed is the starship rotating? What is the period of rotation? b) Consider a coordinate system that has its origin at the surface of the cylinder, and that is fixed with respect to the starship. If someone 2 m tall stands upright, what is the inertial force on the person’s head? What is the centrifugal force on their head? Assume the person’s head has a mass of 10 kg. Give both magnitude and direction for both forces. c) What is the Coriolis force on a 0.5 kg ball thrown at 40 m/s to the right (see diagram)? Give both magnitude and direction. Find the ratio of this force to the force of “gravity.” d) What is the Coriolis force on the same ball thrown at 40 m/s out of the page (perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder)? Give both magnitude and direction. Find the ratio of this force to the force of “gravity.”

Andrei , 4 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Harshit Singh

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

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