Flag Mechanics> An airplane has a wing area (each wing) o...
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An airplane has a wing area (each wing) of 12.5 m2. At m a certain air speed, air flows over the upper wing surface at 49.8 m/s and over the lower wing surface at 38.2 m/s. (a) Find the mass of the plane. Assume that the plane travels with constant velocity and that lift effects associated with the fuselage and tail assembly are small. Discuss the lift if the air plane, flying at the same air speed, is (b) in level flight, (c) climbing at 15°, and (d) descending at 15°. The air density is 1.17 kg/m3. See Exercise 23.

Shane Macguire , 9 Years ago
Grade upto college level
anser 1 Answers
Deepak Patra

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

(b) When the airplane is flying at the same air speed in level flight, the direction of the lift will be directed straight up.
(c) When the airplane is flying at the same air speed is climbing at , the direction of the lift is directed vertical toward the rear of the plane. This makes the airplane to climb further height
(d) When the airplane is flying at the same air speed is descending at , the direction of the lift is directed vertical toward the front of the plane.

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