a train starts from rest and uniformly accelerated with 2 m/sec^2 for 30 seconds and then decelerates for 60 seconds. Then calculate the distance travelled by the train
Archishman Satpathy , 6 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
roopali upadhha
Last Activity: 6 Years ago
u=0a=2t=30s=ut+0.5at^2s1=900mthen retards for 60sec so, v=u+atv=0+2*30 =60m/s this will be u(initial velocity) during retardation when the body retards,u=60v=0t=60v=u+atretardation a= 1m/s^2v^2-u^2=2ass2=1800madding s1 and s2s1 + s2=900+1800 =2700m which is the distance covered by the train
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