A system of N particles is free from any external forces.(a) Which of the following is true for the magnitude of the total momentum of the system?(A) It must be zero.(B) It could be non-zero, but it must be constant.(C) It could be non-zero, and it might not be constant.(D) The answer depends on the nature of the internal forces in the system.(b) Which of the following must be true for the sum of the magnitudes of the momenta of the individual particles in the system?(A) It must be zero.(B) It could be non-zero, but it must be constant.(C) It could be non-zero, and it might not be constant.(D) It could be zero, even if the magnitude of the total momentum is not zero.
Simran Bhatia , 9 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
Aditi Chauhan
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
The correct option is: .(a) (B) It could be non-zero, but it must be constant. .(b) (B) It could be non-zero, but it must be constant. (a) The total momentum of the system is given as:
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