Flag Mechanics> a police jeep is chasing a culprit going ...
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a police jeep is chasing a culprit going on a motorbike . the motorbike crosses a turning ata 72 km / h the jeep follows it at 90 km/ h , crossing the turnings 10 s later than the bike . assuming that they travel at constant speed s , how far from the turnings will yhe jeep catch up with the bike ?

Bb , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Saransh Anand

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

VP = 90 km/h = 25 m/s.
VC = 72 km/h = 20 m/s.
Time taken by the culprit to reach B from A= 10s
Distance converted by culprit  = v x t = 20 x 10 = 200 m.
At time t = 10 sec the police jeep is 200 m behind the

Time = s/v = 200 / 5 = 40 s. (Relative velocity is considered).
In 40 s the police jeep will move from A to a distance S, where
S = v x t = 25 x 40 = 1000 m = 1.0 km away.

Thus the jeep will catch up with the bike, 1 km far from the turning.

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