
A point moves with decelaration along the circle of radius R so that at any moment of time its tangential and normal accelerations are equal in moduli.At the initial moment t=0 the velocity of the point equals v subscript0.Find: the velocity of the point as a function of time and as a function of the distance covered s.

A point moves with decelaration along the circle of radius R so that at any moment of time its tangential and normal accelerations are equal in moduli.At the initial moment t=0 the velocity of the point equals v subscript0.Find: the velocity of the point as a function of time and as a function of the distance covered s.

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1 Answers

Saurabh Kumar
askIITians Faculty 2400 Points
9 years ago
dv/dt = v2/R

Integrate the relation as a function of velocity and apply the limit as t = 0, v = v0

On substituting the value in the main function, calculate v ...

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