Flag Mechanics> A planet P revolves around the Sun in a c...
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A planet P revolves around the Sun in a circular orbit, with the Sun at the center, which is coplanar with and concentric to the circular orbit of Earth E around the Sun. P and E revolve in the same direction. The times required for the revolution of P and E around the Sun are TP and TE. Let Ts be the time required for P to make one revolution around the Sun relative to E: show that l/Ts = 1/TE - 1/Tp, Assume Tp; > TE.

Damiano77 , 6 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Dear student
Please check the image which I have attached, In case of any difficulty, please feel free to ask.
Arun (askIITians forum expert)


Last Activity: 6 Years ago

I don’t quite understand what “revolution around the Sun relative to Earth” means. I think period of revolution relative to Earth or Sun should be the same. And I don’t understand where the three esxpression in the first line come from. Why the difference between the two angle should be 2pi and why not a multiple? In the first two expression why have you put Ts instead Te and Tp?

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