Flag Mechanics> A man stands still on a large sheet of a ...
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A man stands still on a large sheet of a slick ice ; in his hand he holds a lighter firecracker. He throws thefirecracker at an angle(that is not vertically) into the air. Describ briefly, but as exactly as you can., the motion of the centre of mass of the firecracker and the motion of the center of mass ofthe system consisting of man and firecracker. It will be morst convenient to describe each motion during each of the following periods. (a) after he throws the firecracker, but before it explodes.(b) between the explosion and the first and first piece of firecracker hitting the ice; (c) between the first fragment hitting the ice and the last fragment landing; and (d0 during the time when all fragments landed but none has reached the edge of the ice.

shafiq khan , 8 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
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