Flag Mechanics> A man can row a boat with 10 km/h in stil...
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A man can row a boat with 10 km/h in still water. He is crossing a river of width 1 km where the speed of waterflow is 5 km/h. What direction should he head the boat to cross the river in shortest path..?

Vineet , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

for shortest path the boat should travel in straight line i.e. the boat will travel along the width of river
to make this possible we have to cancel the effect of waterflow
let the river is flowing from left to right so the man has to row the boat in the left direction
let the man rows boat ao in the left direction (angle is made with width)
to cancel waterflow effect the component of boat’s velocity should be equal to speed of waterflow
i.e. 10xsin(a) = 5 ….(draw diagram to understand properly)
a= 300
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