Last Activity: 7 Years ago
When a bullet is fired from the gun, the gun also move back in opposite direction to velocity of bullet, that velocity of gun is recoil velocity. let the speed of bullet is v and that of gun is V. then from conservation of linear momentum
MV + mv =0.
So V = -(mv)/M --(1)
Here negative sign indicates that recoil velocity is in opposite direction that of velocity of bullet.
Also the energy of firing is sufficient to project the bullet vertically to a height h. then from work energy theorem
1/2(mv2) = mgh
So v = (gh)1/2
Then from equation (1) velocity of ecoil of the gun is
V = [m(gh)1/2]/M
Hope it clears. If still you have doubt you can ask me. If you like answer then please approve it.