Flag Mechanics> A body stretches a spring by a particular...
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A body stretches a spring by a particular length at the earth’s surface at equator. At what height above the south pole will it stretch the same spring by the same length? Assume the earth to be spherical.

Hrishant Goswami , 10 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 1 Answers
Deepak Patra

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Sol. At equator, g’ = g – ω^2R …(1) Let at ‘h’ height above the south pole, the acceleration due to gravity is same. Then, here g’ = g (1 – 2h/R) …(2) ∴ g - ω^2 R = g (1 – 2h/R) or 1 - ω^2R/g = 1 2h/R or h = ω^2R^2/2g = (7.3 * 10^-5)^2 * (6400 * 10^3)^2/2 * 9.81 = 11125 N = 10Km (approximately)

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