Flag Mechanics> A block of mass m moves on a horizontal c...
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A block of mass m moves on a horizontal circle against the wall of a cylindrical room of radius r. Coefficient of friction between the block and the wall is μ and the floor is rough, with a friction coefficiant is μ. If the ball is given with initial velocity v0, find the velocity of the block after one complete revolution.The above is part one of the question,So,(ii) In part (1), how many revolutions are complted if the velocity of the ball reduces to 1/e times its initial velocity v0.Sir, pls answer to the second part only. Plzz detailed step by step solution,

Surya , 6 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

A block of mass ‘m’ moves on a horizontal circle against the wall of a cylindrical room of radius ‘R’
Friction coefficient between wall & the block is μ.



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