
A ball after freely falling from a height of 4 . 9 m , hits a horizontal surface. If e = 3 / 4 , Then the ball will hit the surface, second time after ; a} 1sec b} 1.5sec c}2sec d}3sec

A ball after freely falling from a height of 4.9 m, hits a horizontal surface. If e=3/4, Then the ball will hit the surface, second time after ;    a} 1sec b} 1.5sec   c}2sec   d}3sec


1 Answers

Yuvraj Singh
askIITians Faculty 68 Points
2 years ago
Q: A ball after freely falling from a height of4.9m,hits a horizontal surface. Ife=3/4, Then the ball will hit the surface, second time after ; a} 1sec b} 1.5sec c}2sec d}3sec


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