Flag Mechanics> A 20kg cart with a boy of mass 60kg ridin...
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A 20kg cart with a boy of mass 60kg riding it is moving with a speed of 2m/s.The boy jumps off the cart.What is the change in speed of cart if1)The boy on hitting the ground is moving with the same speed of the cart?2)not moving relative to the ground3)moving with twice the initial speed of the cart in same direction?

V G Munj , 6 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

In 1st case there will not be any change in the speed of cart because momentum of boy is unchanged after jumping..
In 2nd case we will conserve momentum,   2 x (60+20) = 20 x v  => v = 8m/s..
In 3rd case we will again conserve momentum , 2 x (60+20)=60 x 4 + 20 x v  => v= -4m/s.. here negative sign shows the direction will be opposite to the initial direction...

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