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can u explain me when we say net torque is zero and v can apply angular momentum.i hav solved about 250 ques on mechanics and is it sufficent.now which part i shift ist thermodyanmics or electro and magnetic first as time is less???how many days is necesaary 2 giv to optics,i hav not single from that topic till now

jimmyu wazir , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear jimmyu

Main thing is to clear the concept. you can clear the concept just by solving 20-30 question. some time for some student solving more than 200 question is not enough.So depending upon ur capability you should solve questions. I think u are revising your syllabus.so you should choose that topic in which you are weak.

Optics' too contributes approximately 10% to the IIT-JEE .  Within Optics, it has been observed that problems on Physical optics are more frequent than that on Geometrical optics. Students should  devote about 7% of time on Optics for robust preparation.

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