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Wat r d most imp tpcs 4 iitjee in laws of motion?

Chandan Das , 15 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Dear Chandan das

In the past four years, approximately 20% of the total marks pertain to Mechanics. Within Mechanics, the favorite topics seem to be 'Rigid Body Rotation' and 'Motion on a Plane'. Topics like 'Simple Harmonic Motion' and 'Work and Energy', on the other hand, have been accorded relatively less priority for these years. Apparently, students have to be thoroughly prepared with Mechanics as it forms almost one-fifth of the whole JEE  paper. It is important for students to realize that Mechanics though important, takes relatively more time for preparation. Thus, they should restrict their preparation of Mechanics to about 30% of the total time.

Just stay calm and focus on understanding rather than mugging. Be regular in class and stay with concepts.

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