Flag Mechanics> The tension in the thread will be...
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A soap film is formed in a circular frame loop of thread is lying on the film. I f the film inside the loop is broken then the tension in the thread will be......

M. Sai Suchandan Reddy , 15 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Saurabh Kumar

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

A metallic ring is dipped in soap solution.
A closed loop of cotton thread is gently
placed over the film, With a hot needle, the soap film within the
loop is touched and the film is broke
n. The thread experiences a force radially
outwards and parallel to the film. The loop assumes a circular form, as shown fig.
This is because, for a given perimeter, a circle encloses the maximum area, and hence the film surroundings the loop tends to assume the least area..


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